Maggie, Pierce and E.J.
The Silver Album
Philadelphia, PA
This band fooled me! I thought I was reviewing a record for MPE Band… not Maggie Pierce and EJ!! I didn’t even know they had such a compilation out. I remember buying their first record when they played at my day camp, and I’m really not that old. Anyway, it’s amazing to see that they’re still around! Bravo! And from what I remember, still rockin’ out those acoustic tunes. Their newest record, entitled Silver (all their albums are color coded), is a triple disc set, so if you’re into acoustic rock, you get more bang for your buck! The way the game plan is laid out is six songs are on each of the three CDs in the set. They’re each grouped by their sound (ingenious!) and set to progress through the day. The album was recorded in Germany, hence the German titles of each CD (Morgen-morning, Mittag-midday and Nacht-night). And each of the CDs fit the mood of their respective titles. So naturally the softer tracks are on disc one, the more upbeat on two and the heavier tracks on three. IMHO the best track available for listening on their website is “Music of the Sea.” Off the second disc, “Mittag,” the gradual build to a record scratching, dance poppy, acoustic love song totally sets the mood. They invite you to “stay and listen to the music of the sea” and I just want to take them up of their offer. “Kennison” which is on the second disc as well, is totally different from every other track I think I’ve ever heard from them. It’s a full out rock song when I’m used to hearing a more acoustic based feel throughout. Doesn’t mean that it’s a bad track though, I thought it was a nice balance. The other upbeat track up for a gander is “Yipee-I-A” on the third disc, “Nacht.” It’s pretty rocking, and Maggie almost reminds me of Liz Phair on this track being the girl singing a rock song. The first disc, “Morgen,” appears to be the softest of the three, providing us with the soft, gentleness of acoustic rock and all its beauty. Plus it really demonstrates MPE’s talent very well. Acoustic trio with a decent balance of male and female vocals, some rocking songs, some softer songs with a good decade of music to establish themselves, with a fair amount of music to offer on their latest release, its really worth your time to check this record out, besides the fact that its so well constructed, also for your wallet’s sake.