Brooke Annibale
Pittsburgh, PA
We here at AudioXposure had the chance to talk with 17-year-old singer/songwriter, Brooke Annibale. Brooke is a little bit closer to us than most other AX non-local artists, hailing from Pittsburgh. From her responses to some of our questions, this is one girl who has her head on straight and who is on her way to being recognized for her work. With her newest release, “Memories in Melody,” she includes ten previously unrecorded songs.
Here’s some of what Brooke had to tell the AX readers:
AX: Can you tell us who some of your musical influences are?
Brooke: Here’s a few… John Mayer, Jack Johnson, Dashboard Confessional, Elliott Smith, Damien Rice, Michelle Branch… and just about everything I listen to – Incubus, Jimmy Eat World, the Beatles.
AX: You haven’t been playing very long compared to a lot of the musicians that we come across. What made you decide to start playing and writing music? Have you taken professional lessons, or are you self-taught?
Brooke: I decided to start playing at around 14. I had been writing lyrics almost my entire life just for fun, and started to have a real passion for writing as well as melody. I wanted to learn guitar so I could write full songs. I picked guitar, because it’s in my family. My grandfather and uncles play, and [they] own a music store. I started taking lessons at the store about 2 & 1/2 years ago. I absolutely fell in love with playing, and now here I am.
AX: Aside from your musical influences, what inspires you to write the music that you write? Do you pull from every day life, or have there been specific life moments that you tend to draw from most often?
Brooke: Inspiration, for me, comes from lots of different places – my own personal situations and feelings of course, as well as others’ experiences or situations. Sometimes I also get inspiration from what’s going on in the world; and there [are] enough crazy things going on in the world to provide inspiration anytime.
AX: What, if anything, do you hope that your listeners will take out of your music? Are you just trying to entertain them, connect with them?
Brooke: I’d really like people to be able to connect with what I’m saying in my songs. Everyone’s got a desire for someone to feel like they do, and if you can find that in a song that’s amazing. Then you can feel that connection every time you hear the song.
AX: Where do you hope to be, musically, in the short-term (next 1-3 years or so)? Is it just a creative outlet for you, or do you plan to start taking steps to make music your career?
Brooke: I know that the music business is a tough place, and I guess I’ll never know if I’m cut out for it unless I give it a try. I’d love to continue music as a career in the future, because right now I do consider it as my job as well as a creative emotional outlet. This upcoming release is a big step for me, so I’ll just have to wait to see where it can take me.
AX: Where do you hope to find your music taking you in the long-term?
Brooke: Like I said, I’m not sure where things will go with my music. If they take me places that included being signed and touring, I would absolutely love it. If not, being in Pittsburgh, doing music as a side thing would be fun too.
AX: Are you still planning the release of your album for February, and if so, do you have any specific date in mind yet?
Brooke: The official release date has not been set yet, because I’m never sure how long it’s going to take to be pressed. I’m now hoping the release will be sometime in March, but still no set date.
AX: Where can people get a hold of your CD when it’s available? Where can they get a hold of your EP?
Brooke: I’m planning on releasing the upcoming CD on CDbaby.com for any out of state fans that can’t make it to a show. My current EP, “Go Unnoticed,” is available for $5 at any show or $8 through mail (I personally ship them out).
If you want to find out more about Brooke, you can go to her website, www.brookeannibale.com, for more information. I’m sure that we’ll be hearing more from this amazing talent soon.