Josh Springer & Matt Aronson
AX: Where are you from?
Josh: I was born in New Haven, CT. I moved to Queens, NY when I was about 2, and I’ve lived there ever since.
Matt: I grew up in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania which is just outside of Hershey (the chocolate city). It is actually the capitol. I am currently living in Pittsburgh
AX: How would you describe your music?
Josh: I would say our music (Matt and myself) is very real and vulnerable. It has a little bit of something for everyone. I’d describe it as anywhere between uplifting and inspiring. I’d also say that our music contains something that younger musicians today seem to lack within their music, and that would be a major focus on voice. Sure, instrumentation is a major foundation in writing an amazing song… but the voice is what really brings the audience into your world.
Matt: I would describe our music as a sort of quilt that we have sewn together. We each take pieces of our collective influences and fuse them together to come up with something that brings out a collective personality. We each have distinct styles, but when we are successful we become one. In terms of genre, I would say it is a fusion of R&B, Folk, and Jazz. (not limited though)
AX: If we were to go to one of your live shows, what could we expect?
Josh: Lots of singing, major crowd participation in our songs, and Matt playing away on his guitar like nothing you’ve ever heard before. It’s usually a nice relaxing acoustic set, perfect for a romantic night with the girlfriend, or a girl’s night out, or a quiet night out with the guys.
Matt: I believe Josh and I are very comfortable with each other, and because of this the audience feels like they can be part of the show and not just spectators. Music, live music in particular, is a very hands-on experience, and can be a truly beautiful experience if the atmosphere is unpretentious. We improvise a lot and try to take risks that allow for something completely different. We mix up the set a lot and try to involve the audience as much as possible.
AX: Who are some of your biggest influences?
Josh: This list could go on forever, but I’ll try to make it short. I grew up with a very eclectic musical background. My parents made sure I grew up listening to artists and bands like Bob Dylan, Carole King, Billy Preston, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder and all of the Motown greats, Jethro Tull, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Metallica. I can honestly say that every one of those listed artists/bands have influenced my music in every way.
Matt: This always a difficult one. Here is a short list- John Mclaughlin, Miles Davis, Cannonball Adderly, Al Green, Stevie Wonder, The Grateful Dead, Shuggy Otis, Phish, Al Jarreu, Bobby Mcferrin.
AX: What sparked your interest in the music industry? Was their a particular event or person that made you decide to get into music?
Josh: When I was a senior in High School, back in ’99, I scored an audition with Sugar Beats Entertainment in Manhattan to be in a Boy Band. I made it through every round of auditions until the final audition where I was finally cut. Now, I never wanted to be in a Boy Band, but just having auditioned gave me a taste of the music industry at work. From there I went to College in Oneonta, NY and majored in Music and Music Industry. I’ve just now graduated from there and I’m ready to take that big step and bring my music to the masses.
Matt: I had a close friend in middle school who’s father was the music teacher and I loved him as a teacher. I basically told a lie about how I could play guitar even though I never had. This lie sparked my interest in music and to actualizing the lie. Around 12 or 13 my father bought me a guitar and I was hooked thereafter.
AX: What do you hope people can take from your music? From your live shows?
Josh: I hope people will take my music and really enjoy it, and really look deep into the music. I hope they can feel the mood of the music, and feel how I felt when the music was written. From my shows, I hope people can leave with songs stuck in their heads and wanting more. I also hope people can feel like they were a part of the show, because that’s what I want the music to do. I want it to really grab people and let them in.
Matt: This is a difficult question to answer. I guess what is most important is that we give enough in our music so people are able to take. The listener should have the liberty to define the experience rather than the musician. From our live shows I would say just a chance to get away from the high speed world for a bit and enjoy a warm and intimate setting filled with melody.
AX: What makes you different than other artists in your area or genre?
Josh: What makes us different from other artists in our genre of music is that we’re *Real*. It’s just two guys, two voices, and one guitar. We don’t sugar coat our music with fancy studio tricks. We share our music to share it, and really get people involved in it. We want people to see, feel, and hear that we love our music, and we hope that they love it as well.
Matt: Josh and I are very into a stripped down sound as well as
incorporating as much of our own personalities into the mix [as we can] We don’t discuss the songs before we write them, and we don’t judge them based on “what is it we were going for?” Rather we let them write themselves, sometimes we’re successful, sometimes not – but we try not to “box the product” so that we are not locked down.
AX: Where do you see this project taking you?
Josh: Well, I’d say that our music is going to be a long-term project that isn’t going end for a very long time. If it’s going to take us somewhere, I’d like it to be straight to the people. I want someone to be able to listen to our music and say, “You know, I really understand what they’re saying.” Sure, the ultimate would be to greater venues, bigger crowds, mass media, fame and fortune. But what’s all that without being sincere and really enjoying what you do?
Matt: I can just say I hope to be writing and playing with Josh for many many years. Where it takes us, it takes us as long as we’re in it together.
AX: Where can people find out more about you, and pick up your CD and merch?
Josh: People can find out more about us at our MySpace Music pages (www.myspace.com/joshspringer [for Josh] and www.myspace.com/gedaliah [for Matt]). We do have an EP available for sale on Rocket Radio on my website at www.rocketradio.com/artist/2150 on the *Store* page. We even have some clothing available from Cafe Press at www.cafepress.com/joshspringer.