• Band Business

    Ten Steps to Quitting Your Day Job

    It’s every musician’s dream to be able to quit working 9 to 5, quit answering to someone else, and to finally make some “real” money with their music. Most of these musicians tend to think of themselves as artists first and professionals second. With that mentality, it’s no wonder most never make it in the music business – key word…

  • Band Business

    Band Business Plan Outline

    Every serious band should take the time to put together a realistic business plan. You may want to create a plan simply to help the band get more organized, or you may intend to use it when scouting sponsors or other forms of financing. A solid and realistic plan can be an important tool in establishing your band’s legitimacy as…

  • Band Business

    Passive Revenue Streams for Musicians

    If you work as an independent musician, chances are pretty good that you’re still trudging along in a full-time job as well. Very few indie musicians make enough money from their music to support themselves. It’s a bit of a catch-22. You want to earn a living from your music, but you have to earn a living to be able…

  • Band Business

    Now You’re In Business – The Business of Your Band That Is!

    So, you’re in a band, or maybe you’re a solo artist. You spend a lot of time writing (hopefully) quality music, finding gigs, playing shows, networking with fans and other artists, working in the studio, and promoting the heck out of it all. You spend a lot of money on recording, printing, distribution, equipment, travel … seeing a pattern here?…